Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gold: The Secret Investing Weapon

Franklin D. Roosevelt and his economic advisers understood that gold was the 800 pound gorilla in the room, standing in the way of his New Deal. For his plan of centrally controlled monetary system to succeed, they must cage the gold beast. They eliminated the gold standard for the dollar and begin confiscated gold from individuals. Thus began the demise of gold and the thirst for it.

However, like so many government efforts to control economic factors, the anti-gold movement has failed. Savvy investors around the world held no misconceptions that a few a egomaniac politicians would wipe out history. Today gold remains the secret investment weapon of the wealthy. They are still compiling gold with the full knowledge that through out the history of human kind gold holds a guaranteed amount of value. Take a look at the google search trends and take note of the cities generating the highest volume of searches. To name a few Richardson TX, Dallas TX, Phoenix AZ, and Las Vegas, all wealthy cities.

Now gold is quickly rebuilding popularity among common investors as represented by the U.S Mint and Gold Eagle. The evidence of this see this page. It notes the production of the Gold Eagle has been suspended. The reason could be two fold; one gold is limited or two the government is concerned about the amount of gold flooding to the individuals, which would decrease the value of the dollar, by decreasing its demand. The answer is likely a combination of the two.

Regardless of the reason, it clearly points to a high demand for the precious metal and signaling that gold despite years of attacks by the government and its minions in the investment world, remains a highly desired commodity.

The question is how long will the government allow the market to expand upward, before action is taken? That is a question nobody can answer.

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