Monday, September 21, 2009

Time to Buy Silver....

Well maybe not right now as the spot price of silver today closed over $16 per troy ounce. This is up $4 in the last few months as silver has followed its' older brother gold, up, up and away. The question is should we be buying silver?

The answer to this conundrum is; drum roll, up to the individual buyer. My personal belief is to wait a few months and wait hopefully for the silver price correction. The problem with waiting is maybe the correction will never come and you are left on the sidelines. On the flip side, the purchase is made, the correction comes and almost instantly, the investment is down $5-8 dollars.

Regardless of the claims, nobody can predict when or if the correction is coming, so the advice I follow; look for bargains.

Like any other product, silver will be put on sale, by different dealers around the nation. So, search the Internet daily looking silver sales and those great silver coin offers.

One such place is I am not endorsing any dealer, but APMEX has a very interesting collection of Mexican silver coins. I find these coins to be both valuable and historical.

The value comes in the silver bullion and the fact the coins are coming out of Mexico. Mexico is rich in history, with a long laundry list of Wild West type stories, making them a historian's dream.

Then of course there are the Silver American Eagle and Silver Maple Leaf, these coins currently hold one purpose; silver bullion. They remain easy to buy and trade with a world wide popularity. However, if a collector is interested in historical value, they should look at the Morgan and Peace Dollars. Both are a very popular coin and hold a rich historical value.

Regardless of when or what silver you decide to purchase, the main point is seriously considering moving into silver as the underlying indicators continue to point towards a sluggish economy, such as high unemployment and the continued struggles of the dollar. So, with that I say happy silver hunting and go out and find those bargains.

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