Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Last, last post

Folks the cliff is coming, but this country will not go over it...But we know a few things. Taxes are going up, but not for just the rich. Oh sure it will be reported in such a manner, but the fact is many taxes will go up and they effect many people. Capital gains will go up along with a dividend tax. What does that mean? It means every time a stock owned produces dividends it will be taxed and there are millions of people holding such stocks.

As always we can argue the merits, but not here. I would suggest if you hold a high paying dividend stock, sell it! If you don't, stay away from them. Instead look at commodities as the prices are sure to stay high with the dollar low.

Also, keep watching CNBC, FOX Business, Bloomberg.com, Money. come etc. Read them, analyse them, but never, never take them for the gospel.

Good luck and happy investing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Last Post

I am not sure how many folks read my blog, but I have enjoyed putting items together. The one challenge I had was trying to keep this a non-partisan site, but it wasn't easy. The fact is, being a good investor means analyzing politics, but at the same time staying neutral.  An investor is not deciding what policies are right or wrong, they only need to know what it means.

Hopefully, I have offered some ideas on how to do that.  We are certainly venturing into uncharted waters economically, the question is where is it leading?  Keep your eyes and ears open, soak up information and remember, make your money work for you.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Close Our Eyes and Jump Right Over

The Fiscal Cliff is coming, the Fiscal cliff is coming...Hide the women, protect the kids, it is coming! Folks it is time to slow down, take a deep breath and look at an issue with logical for once...The fact is going over the cliff would force the government to make cuts and moves they would otherwise avoid.  As for the those screaming doom and gloom they all have their reasons. General Dynamics and their investors want to continue building tanks the army does not want or need.  Investors are fully engulfed in many projects financed by the government and of course there are thousands of lawyers and CPAs fearing a simple tax process.

But don't take my word for it..Read Mark Schmitz of Time...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Gift Ideas

The time is here, Christmas shopping and that means present hunting. Well, here's an idea; silver coins.  Okay, maybe they aren't a Xbox 360 or Ipad, but silver coins are a great way of investing in your kids' future.

Buying  a silver coin is simple, so long as that search is not for collectible coins. There a hundreds of dealer options, but one I have used numerous times is AMPEX, located in Oklahoma City.  APMEX deals in numerous types of coins, but I would suggest sticking to the American Silver Eagle.  The price of these coins are basically tied into the price of silver, offering a great way of obtaining physical silver. The Eagle is a pay for what you get type of coin, no guessing if it is rare or collectible.

Another option is the Silver Morgan coin, but venturing into this arena is a bit trickier, because the Morgan is a collectible. Circulated in the late 1800's, the Morgan is associated with the Wild West, making it a highly popular coin.

So, when Christmas shopping this season, think about silver coins and the investment opportunity they can provide.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Now What to Do?

The election is over and President Obama will be serving another four years, so now what? There are two different ways of approaching this situation. For a Republican it is a time of concern, but for an investor it means four more years of the same.

So what does that mean? For some it means very rough times. CNBC's Marc Faber is predicting a market meltdown. This is a plausible outcome as the economy is on shaky ground and it won't take much to tip it over. But dealing with what we do know is the administration will continue their policy of a weak dollar. The Fed Reserve and Obama will continue to print money and with that the value will stay weak. In other words, buy commodities, such as gold and silver. People will flee the dollar and move into precious metals as interest rates will also struggle.

Another area is green energy. Obama will continue to back the movement out of fossil fuels and into renewable sources. However, be very careful as with any new market there are going to lots and lots of losers.

We know what Obama has done, so focus in on that, but keep on eye on what he might do! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Day

On July 2, 1776 a group of men convened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When the meeting concluded a new nation was born, The United States of America.  Over the next 236 years this country has grown well beyond the original colonies, spanning from ocean to ocean.  During this time period we have had some dark hours. Slavery, segregation, the massacre of the Native Americans and the oppression of female voting rights are some examples. However, there were always voices demanding  these wrongs to be made right and eventually they were corrected.

Let's face it this is a great country, one unique in history were freedom has reigned and so many have basked in it. A pillar of this freedom has been voting and the ability of the people to shape  government through voting. Today we are given this opportunity one more time, don't miss it.  The power has and will rest in the hands of the people, make sure you use it.

On a personal note, my wife and I have had long discussion about this election. Not because of economic issues, tax issues, abortion or birth control. You see our son is joining the military in a few years and we both realized the person who wins tomorrow will decide when and where our son puts his life in danger. This has weighed on us both. Just something to think about.

Good day and happy voting...After that the investing begins again. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Germans Want to See the Gold

This is an interesting turn of events and I for one like it. The German Federal Court has ruled their central bank must inspect their physical gold holdings in New York City. Why do I like this? Because by doing so, some of the aluminum hat wearing folks can be debucted...Of course they will still be out there, but this will add more evidence to their insanity.
Read the story on CNBChttp://www.cnbc.com/id/49540593